Interview with Kiran Bedi

By Unknown September 26, 2014

India was in the limelight for wrong reasons in December of 2012 when a 23 year old girl was gang raped in Delhi and thrown in to the streets to die. She was returning from a late night film with her friend.  The aftermath was a huge outcry. The nation seethed with anger and protests became loud and clear. Unfortunately, sentencing Nirbhaya's murderers to death has not actually deterred further rapes. We keep hearing of them everyday and just recently we heard of the horrifying bangalore rape of a six year old. On one end we talk of progress but how can a nation progress with rape incidents mounting by the day? What are doing wrong as a nation and how do we set it right? A brief interview with Kiran Bedi on the issue:

Sapna Iyer

I'm Sapna Iyer. I am a program host at EBC Radio, and enjoy connecting with my listening audience. I also work as a Digital Marketing consultant covering emerging digital solutions, especially using marketing technology to connect communities.

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